J’ai fait quelque test de copié/collé dans google avec des extraits de son pamphlet. Et quelle n’a pas été ma surprise quand j’ai constaté que le tueur avait rempli son pavé en plagiant le net.
Juste un exemple. Et il y en a plein.
Ici, l’ouvrage Concealing the record of Islam de Koenraad Elst :
« Its techniques are essentially the same as those of negationists elsewhere :
1. Head-on denial: The crassest form of negationism is obviously the simple denial of the facts. This is mostly done in the form of general claims, such as: « Islam is tolerant », « Islamic Spain was a model of multicultural harmony », « the anti-Jewish hatred was unknown among Muslims until Zionism and anti-Semitism together entered the Muslim world from Europe ». Since it is rare that a specific crime of Islam is brought to the public’s notice, there is little occasion to come out and deny specific crimes. Exceptions are the Armenian genocide, officially denied in Turkey and the entire Muslim world, …. »
Et là, l’extrait du manifeste de Anders Behring Breivik correspondant.
« Its techniques are essentially the same as those of negationists elsewhere:
1. Head-on denial: The crassest form of negationism is obviously the simple denial of the facts. This is mostly done in the form of general claims, such as: « Islam is tolerant », « Islamic Spain was a model of multicultural harmony », « the anti-Jewish hatred was unknown among Muslims until Zionism and anti-Semitism together entered the Muslim world from Europe ». Since it is rare that a specific crime of Islam is brought to the public’s notice, there is little occasion to come out and deny specific crimes. Exceptions are the Armenian genocide, officially denied in Turkey and the entire Muslim world. »
Source : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10450920/2083%2B-%2BA%2BEuropean%2BDeclaration%2Bof%2…
Mot pour mot.
Après qu’on ne s’étonne pas que son texte fasse 1500 pages !
Le tueur est donc aussi un gros mito (on s’en doutait).